Do what You Love! Harold has applied that mantra to his life. As a Navy brat, he turned to magic at an early age to entertain his family and friends. That passion became his livelihood.

Harold has a B.A from Virginia Tech where he studied engineering and theater arts. This allows him to combine the pratical with the wizardry of the dramactic.
As an award winning magician and juggler, Harold puts these unique skills together in his presentation. He gets the point across and calls it- ” Motivational Entertainment!”

Harold asks the pivotal question- ” Whats’s stopping you from succeeding? Learning how to identify your personal strait Jacket is the first step to over coming the obstacles in your life.
Ten years ago Harold faced his own strait jacket challenge diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. His future looked bleak, knowing the survival rate was only 2%. Harold applied his mantra of “Do What You Love” to pull himself through. He knew he wanted to continue encouraging and motivating others to overcome their strait jackets. He focused on 3 points in his presentations:
Responsibility – following doctors orders.
Flexibility – adapting to the new reality and limitations he faced following surgery.
Attitude – Staying Positive
Now, many doctor appointment later….
In his spare time, Harold performs at elementary schools. He provides educational programs, encouraging students to incorporate the concepts of responsibility, flexibility and attitude into their daily lives.
Harold Wood is a Theater Arts graduate of Virginia Tech, and a member of:

Get in touch
Harold Wood (757) 877-4845
Virginia Beach, Virginia